Friday, August 27, 2010

What a Week!

We had such a great first week of Kindergarten! We have already learned so much. We are really getting the hang of being big Kindergateners. When we come in in the morning, we unpack our home-school folder, our lunch and our snack (that has our name on it) and turn them all in to the places they are supposed to go. Then we get started with our Readers' Workshop and Writers' Workshop. After reading and writing, we head to lunch. Remember, if you are buying a lunch, you must bring in $1.50 until August 31st. After that, you can use (link is to the right) and put money in your child's account through the website.

After lunch, we head back to the class for Star student name and skills. We have been learning all about letters and their sounds. Next, we have Math and then Resource. Make sure you check the resource schedule on the calendar on the front of your home-school folder to make sure you are dressed properly for the resource for that day. And finally, after Resource, we have Science/Social Studies where we are learning how to be scientists! At the end of the day, we head out to recess and have snack! We pack up and head home. Be sure to write a note in your child's folder if they are changing the way they are getting home and date it for that school day. Remember, Kindergarten dismissal is at 3:00PM!

We hope everyone had a fun first week of Kindergarten. I know Mrs. Ciupak and Mrs. Cole did! Have a fun weekend and see you bright and early on Monday. We have so much more to learn!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome Kindergarteners!

What a fabulous first day!  We definitely are going to be growing great minds this school year!  We started off the day listening to a storytelling farmer who sang songs with us.  From there, we took a tour of the school and practiced our lunchtime routine.  Back in the classroom, we sat in a circle and played the name game, "Hikety, Pickety Bumblebee", to learn each others names.  We then read The Kissing Hand (a first day favorite!), by Audrey Penn, and made Chester (the main character) puppets with a first day poem.  Later on in the day, we got to participate in our first day WOW activities.  An animal farm, bee keeper demonstration, planting seeds of our choice, and a look at a tractor were just a few of the stations!  Tomorrow your child will receive their first Chets Creek t-shirt. :)

 Just a few friendly reminders:

Please remember that you will drop your child off in the cafeteria at our designated table. Please start a good-bye routine and stick with it. If you are in a routine and confident with it, then your child will feel more comfortable when you leave.

Please make sure that your child knows how he or she is getting home each day. If your child is a car rider, you MUST stay in your car and drive through the loop. Please do not park your car and walk up to get your child; we consider that a walker. If your plans for dismissal change, it is very important that you let us know in writing. You can write a note on your child’s home-school notebook’s communication log.  Unfortunately we don't always get to check our messages or email until the end of the day after dismissal.  If there is a true transportation emergency, please contact the main office and they will get in touch with us.

Your child is encouraged to bring a healthy afternoon snack. An apple, banana, fruit bar, dry cereal in a bag, etc., are great choices that will keep throughout the day (please do not send items that need to be refrigerated). We ask that snacks be put in a baggie labeled with your child’s name, for they will be collected in the morning and distributed during snack time. Due to nut allergies, we ask you not to pack products that contain them. Drinks are not necessary.

Behavior Guidelines
Daily behavior will be recorded each day on your child’s calendar on his/her blue home-school notebook. Here is what each color means…

White: Great Day!
Yellow: Warning
Blue: 5 Minute Time Out
Green: Note Home, 10 Minute Time Out
Red: Office Referral

We use a color coded card system in our classroom.  If a child is not following directions and has been warned, they will be told to "flip their card".  Not flipping your card all week and staying on white results in a Fun Friday treat!  Please make sure to talk to your child about their behavior each day. Thank you for your support!

We are so excited to get this school year started!  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have!