Sunday, August 28, 2011

Superhero Scientists!

In Science we have started our unit on Matter. We have discussed what a scientist is and what one does and reviewed our five senses. On Wednesday, we went on a nature walk and collected three items. We got to choose one of our items and observe it with a hand lense. We then recorded our observations. On Friday, we sorted items and put them into groups based on shape, color, and texture. We are learning how to observe properties of objects and sort objects into groups by properties (standard SC.1.P.8.1). We can explain ways to sort objects with our classmates. Below are pictures of our Sorting and Classifying Objects exploration.

Sorting using property cards and objects in our "Things Bag"

Exploration sheet

Recording our observations and what we discovered

Monday, August 22, 2011

What a MARVEL-ous First Day!

Wow! What a fabulous first day of first grade! We started our day with a first day story and played the name game "Hickety-Pickety Bumble Bee" to introduce one another. Ask your child to recite it for you. We then had an assembly with special guest Omegaman! He was so strong! He ripped phone books in half and bent iron rods!  

In Readers' Workshop, we reviewed rituals and routines and read the book, The Kissing Hand. In Writers' Workshop, we created our superhero name, wrote what is means to be a superhero, and who our hero is. We finished our piece with an illustration of what we look like as a superhero. We have some very creative first graders!

We introduced the August elements of Calendar Math and explored pattern blocks, which kicked off our first Math Investigations Unit, Color, Shapes, and Number Patterns: Patterns and Functions

Your child's red home-school folder was sent home today containing our weekly classroom newsletter. Please be sure to read this each week, for it contains important dates, curriculum updates, and vital school/classroom information. The home-school folder is to be returned everyday. Be sure to use the communication log on the back of the folder if your child is going home a different way, was absent from school, you need to schedule a conference, or just have a question. :)

Tomorrow your child will receive and wear their own Chets Creek superhero t-shirt (a gift from PTA). These shirts will be worn on our field trips and flag raising Fridays, so please keep up with them and be sure not to lose them. They cannot be replaced.

We had a very successful and productive first day! We are very excited for the year ahead of us!

Participating in Hickety-Pickety Bumble Bee

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome Back!

We are so excited to begin the 2011-2012 school year! First grade orientation will be held this Friday, August 19th, at 11:00 AM in our classroom (room 120). Please remember to bring all of your required grade level supplies. Volunteer orientation will immediately follow, at 12:00 PM, in the Dining Room. Please make sure to attend this meeting if you would like to volunteer in the classroom/school or chaperone on our field trips. We cannot wait to see you Friday! :)