Friday, September 2, 2011

S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G Small Moments

During writing this week we have been learning a lot about ways we can make our writing better. One strategy we learned this week is to stretch a small moment. Instead of writing about our entire day, we focused our writing on one small moment and stretched that moment using our five senses. What did you see, hear, smell, taste or touch during this moment? Also, what were you feeling and thinking inside during this small moment?

First we turned and talked to our neighbor about our small moment and the five senses that went along with it. Then, we went back to our seats and wrote independently. When we were finished with our writing, we got to draw a detailed picture to go along with our story! Here is a great example of our writing:

"I went to disny wrold and i rode splashmoentn (Splash Mountain). I felt woter. I Heard woter splashing. I felt the seat. I sol the bote. I smelt aer (air). I felt glad." 

"I wus At Avngrlanding (Adventure Landing) I wet on the Gronup (grown-up) slide. And the wus a fish u liv (a live) fish. I had a loee pop (lollypop). Threr wus a pio (pillow) wen I fell But the pio cach me! And we wet on the prit ship (pirate ship)."

What great examples of writing what the saw, heard, smelled, touched, tasted and thought inside! Ask your child what the small moment they stretched was! Happy writing!

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